Parent Handbook » Outdoor Play

Outdoor Play



Students receive a recess break for 20 minutes daily. Students will be assigned to outdoor play areas with a supervisor for the area.  If there are any incidents and/or concerns with any interactions with any students during recess, students must report to the supervisor assigned to the area.  Students must adhere to safe play following proper rules and regulations. Students should also utilize this time to use the restroom facilities. 




After students have their lunch at the lunch pavilion, they will be allowed time to play. 

Lunch and lunch play is scheduled for 40 minutes daily. Play will follow the same assigned areas and/or supervisors.  Students must adhere to safe play following proper rules and regulations. Students should also utilize this time to use the restroom facilities. 


Exception: Inclement Weather will restrict our outdoor play time.




Per Ed Code, students in grades 1st – 5th  must participate in 100 minutes of PE every 2 weeks.  PE is instructional time and NOT free play.  During this time, teachers will teach students various sports, activities, and how to stretch properly.  Our school has been awarded a PE Grant and we will have an additional PE teacher, Ms. Chaffino.  Ms. Chaffino will be working with a group of students and teachers to enhance our PE instruction. This grant also provides $3500 of PE equipment to our school. 


TK and K will participate in PE however, there are no required minimum minutes. 




ETK has a mandated 2 hours of outdoor learning daily. The outdoor learning will include planned learning activities lead by teacher and aide.  In a high-quality preschool program, the outdoor learning mirrors indoor activities and center. Outdoor learning is NOT free play. 




All students should dress comfortably/appropriately for outdoor learning and activities. Tennis/close-toed shoes MUST be worn at all times. 




Students may not participate in outdoor play/learning if there is an active doctor’s note stipulating exclusion due to temporary or permanent disability.